Africa 2017

Africa 2017

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


I have a thing for Knockers....yes I do.  I can't help it but for the two times I have been to Italy I have been fascinated by the abundance of unique door knockers.  Venice did not disappoint me.

These two gentlemen were side by side on a pair of doors.  I wish I knew more about them.  Were they modeled after the owners of the building?  I just loved their expressions!

This one reminded me of the bow of a ship.  Look at the details below the head.

I should have taken a photo of the door as well as the knocker with this one.  Now some of these ornaments didn't seem to be knockers but I don't know what they should be called or why they would have them on a door accept as adornment.  Perhaps if you were trying to find someones home they could say "Oh look for the head that looks like Shakespeare on my door with a Trumpet flower carved in wood above him".  

Lions are popular and many look alike so I tried to find lions that were different.  This lion doesn't look too fierce, in fact he looks a little scared or maybe surprised!  He does have huge fangs holding the ring in place.

This one was larger than most that we saw.  The gentleman looks like a nobleman with two sweet cherubs (does a cherub have to have wings?) supporting him.  The lower weighted pull is also elaborately detailed.

One more lion.  I liked his mane that waved around his face and the details of his whiskers.

All these were from our first full day and E. was as patient as could be with my stopping at random whenever I saw a knocker that called to me to take a photo.   

1 comment:

  1. It would take a lifetime to capture all of the delightful details offered in Venice! Aren't the door knockers terrific! You showed us some very interesting examples.
