I'm not sure what moved me most. Looking out from the end of the Piazza San Marco near the Palazzo Ducale or seeing the look on my daughter's face as she viewed the grand scene on the water before us. Gondola's were bouncing up and down from the wake water of the many boats going past us back and forth. I looked at the Gondoliers in their snappy flat top, ribbon bedecked hats and striped shirts. The ones near us seemed quite jaunty and relaxed. Regardless of how touristy the idea of taking a gondola ride has become you can't help but want to see the canals and water by one.
Across the water is the tiny island that has the church of San Giorgio Maggiore on it. The light on the facade of the church casts lovely shadows this time of day. From where we stand it looks like the water goes right to the front doors and I wonder if they too get flooded in a very high tide. I would like to go visit here and explore what we can as well as take photos from there looking back towards Venice. I hope we will be able to do this on our day that we buy our 24 hour Vaporetto passes.
Back to where we are. E. looks out and a glimmering smile is on her face. I know I should wish that my Love is here but to be here with E. is very special to my heart. To have this special trip with her, to explore to our heart's content. Let us say that in ones life if you have children, that once they leave the nest, time together becomes all that more precious. Our children have a whole life away from us and often as parents we so miss the times together that they can't really understand. At least that is how I feel. Being with her right then was like the best Christmas and Birthday gift all wrapped up and each day is like reopening that gift.
I haven't been this happy in awhile. So much has transpired in the last two years with the aging of our parents. I let the sounds wash over me, fill my eyes with the view, and this is just day one.
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